
Competitor Numbers

In order to race in the WAHTCC State Championship, you will need to obtain a Competitor Number. The Competitor Number identifies you (not the car) and is used to award you points or penalties, during a race meeting. This number can be applied for, by completing the WAHTCC Competition Number Application on this page. To apply and receive a Competition Number, you must be a financial member of the Club, have the appropriate Motorsport Australia licence (National Competition or L2S), and be approved by the WAHTCC Committee. You can choose a vacant number from the current Competition Number Register on this page, which once approved, should be fixed to your car as per the Motorsport Australia regulations. If you do not compete within 2 years of application, or you become unfinancial in those 2 years, you will lose your Competition Number. The full procedure for Competition Numbers can be read under the Club Procedures and Templates page within the General Tab of the website or from the button below left. You will receive a Log In to the Club Members section, once you have paid your membership dues each year.